
Assignment 30A - Final Reflection

Final Reflection 1. High and Low as well as the greatest thing about the class.  I really enjoy the way Profesor Pryor teach us because he is funny and very passionate about teaching us. The high during the class would be when I interview people about my business idea, to get out and actually speak to people about your idea is something that is scary yet fulfilling when you manage to get your message across. The low during the class would be when I forgot to submit my URL to Canvas. 2. Most formative experience The most formative experience is when I began to reflect on my strength and weaknesses realizing how I could utilize and improve it at the same time. The most impactful thing is that I started enjoying reading more and more books. 3. Do you see yourself as an entrepreneur now? This class didn't only gave me knowledge about being an entrepreneur, but it made me believe that I could be one and it made me braver in pursuing it now. 4. Recommendation for futu

Assignment 29A - Venture Concept No.2

Alternative Travelling  Opportunity Just like the name of the company, we are providing an alternative for UF college students spring, winter, and summer breaks' traveling options. According to the sampling research conducted, UF college students at least traveled 1-2 abroad and 5-6 domestic with their friends during their time in UF. The most visited destination for traveling abroad in Spain and Mexico. From this research, it is clear that the demand to travel is high. The fact that the demand to travel is high, especially to Europe and Mexico, there are many competitors that offer similar services with better resources. So, why Alternative Traveling try to tap into the traveling business? Because with the increase of social media usage, UF college students are more exposed than ever to other places to travel other than Europe and Mexico. Also, with the growing usage of social media, there comes the need for competition to become more relevant than others

Assignment 27A - Reading Reflection No. 3

"Coco Chanel" by Lisa Chaney 1. You read about an entrepreneur: What surprised you the most? Her mother died when she was little and her dad abandoned her so she was raised by nuns. What about the entrepreneur did you most admire? She revolutionized women fashion and one of the starters of modernism in fashion. She believes in her work and vision despite the culture and pressure from the world that is telling her the other way. She is very successful because she revolutionizes something by not being afraid to fail.  What about the entrepreneur did you  least  admire? She is a very brave individual, but she doesn't really express it much. To some people, she is full of mystery because she is very into herself but maybe that mystery is what people admire her for. They can never expect what will Chanel produce. Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it? She was abandoned when she was little which affec

Assignment 28A - The Exit Strategy

1. What's the exit strategy? I don't look at this venture as something that I would do for the future. I believe in this venture because I do take into account the time, skill, and resources I have at this moment plus the opportunity that existed to come out with the idea of Alternative Travelling. If I'm lucky I would sell the entire business to someone, but looking at the nature of the business, I don't mind if the business just stops. 2. What you selected this particular exit strategy? Because I believe that Alternative Travelling is a practice and transition from the bubble I always been living to the real world. 3. Does your exit strategy influence your business concept? Involuntarily I would say yes. I don't really have a big ambitious about the business in controlling the market and so on, but you will never know.

Assignment 26A - Celebrating Failure

1. Failure experience this semester I thought that Introduction to Statistics would be easy, as what my peers said, however, it was not as easy as I thought. Although I managed to get really good for my quizzes, I keep on missing my goal for the exams. At first, I tried studying from "Smokin Notes", but it was a complete mistake, then I tried studying from the past exams, and it is still not enough, last I tried studying from the live lectures, and finally it works. But the thing is I failed twice which made my success at the end doesn't mean anything. 2. What you learn from the failure? I guess in the future benchmarking is the best thing to do, ask people that took the class what they did right and wrong to prevent yourself from making the mistakes they made. 3. Reflect on failure I do agree that failure is a learning process to reach success, but I also do believe that you don't have to fail to succeed. Like what I mentioned above, benchmarking is key to

Assignment 25A - What's Next?

Existing Market 1. What's next? The next step is acquiring resources for Alternative Travelling and limit outsourcing through partnership. This is done to build a culture and service to our customer in order to differentiate us. 2. Interview 3 people and ask them about "What's next?" for the business a) He said the company should try to give the same service to places other than Bali, but still in Indonesia. b) She said there is not anything much to innovate from my business other than improving the service through acquiring our own resources. c) He said we should aim bigger by giving the same service to other parts of the world. 3. The future path in terms of growing in the existing market I still do believe that what would differentiate Alternative Travelling than others is the culture of the company, and in order to create a culture, we have to acquire resources in Bali. The resources that we should acquire would be the tour guides and drivers since

Assignment 24A - Venture Concept No. 1

Alternative Travelling  Opportunity Just like the name of the company, we are providing an alternative for UF college students traveling options. According to the sampling research conducted, UF college students at least traveled 1-2 abroad and 5-6 domestic with their friends during their time in UF. The most visited destination for traveling abroad in Spain and Mexico. From this research, it is clear that the demand to travel is high. The fact that the demand to travel is high, especially to Europe and Mexico, there are many competitors that offer similar services with better resources. So, why Alternative Traveling try to tap into the traveling business? Because with the increase of social media usage, UF college students are more exposed than ever to other places to travel other than Europe and Mexico. Also, with the growing usage of social media, there comes the need for competition to become more relevant than others by showing off the things they do, the friends they have,