Assignment 26A - Celebrating Failure

1. Failure experience this semester

I thought that Introduction to Statistics would be easy, as what my peers said, however, it was not as easy as I thought. Although I managed to get really good for my quizzes, I keep on missing my goal for the exams. At first, I tried studying from "Smokin Notes", but it was a complete mistake, then I tried studying from the past exams, and it is still not enough, last I tried studying from the live lectures, and finally it works. But the thing is I failed twice which made my success at the end doesn't mean anything.

2. What you learn from the failure?

I guess in the future benchmarking is the best thing to do, ask people that took the class what they did right and wrong to prevent yourself from making the mistakes they made.

3. Reflect on failure

I do agree that failure is a learning process to reach success, but I also do believe that you don't have to fail to succeed. Like what I mentioned above, benchmarking is key to prevent failure from happening, especially common mistakes that cause failure. The key to benchmark is by having the connection with people that used to be or currently in a similar position as you are.

Moreover, I feel like in this world you only have one chance, there is no such thing as second chances. You can take risks, but always remember that when you put your leg inside an unknown pool leave the other leg outside.


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