Assignment 11A - Idea Napkin No.1

I'm a full-time student and a part-time traveler, I really enjoy traveling not as a tourist but as an adventurer which allow me to know many local people in the area. I guess the one skill that most people notice about me is my ability to communicate well with new people from different backgrounds due to the fact that I went to a very diverse high school with 101 different nationalities in the 500 total population which allows me to know most of the people. Moreover, I see the traveling business as something that could fulfill my work and passion at the same time which, if it works, is remarkable since not a lot of people could combine work and passion at the same time.

What are you offering to the customer?
This idea sparked when I started introducing myself to new people. My pitch is always telling them that I come from Indonesia where Bali is located, and surprisingly most people that I talked to heard or wanted to go to Bali, but can't or haven't, moreover, Professor Pryor mentioned that an entrepreneur has to utilize the connection that they have made, and that is where the idea of having a traveling service to Bali begun. 

The idea of the business is to connect UF college students with Bali by enabling them to have the fullest out of Bali, by going to deep locations that require adventure, experiencing local traditions and food, and having the convenience in terms of ticket booking for vehicles as well as having that safety assurance through a 24/7 and 7/7 life service chatting. Basically, I took some of my foreign friends to Bali this summer and they said it's different to travel with someone that knows about Bali and not, and I want UF college students to have this. After talking to a lot of people I feel like there are limited advertisement and information about Bali which in the main cause to prevent them from going since there's a feeling of anxiety traveling to a foreign place, other than having a budget issue.

Who are you offering it to?
The target audience would be UF college students that have a budget to go to Bali, or willing to save up money to travel to Bali and groups like a fraternity or a sorority. The things that the target audience have in common is they care about their social media presence, which means they like documenting their life and showing them off, adventurer, wanted to go somewhere new and far to be able to tell people.

Why do they care?
I will provide the target audience with information and testimony from an Instagram traveler that will make them feel safe and I will promote Bali by using pictures and videos that would increase the assurance of going by making the demand higher. By doing this, I'm hoping that the target audience can imagine themselves being in the "Island of Paradise" and sharing it through social media with their friends, which would make them more "relevant".

What are your core competencies?
To be honest, I'm still finding the ultimate distinction, so if anyone can leave a comment sharing their ideas, any ideas even the craziest, I will be very grateful. However, for now, the sense of personal service will be the core competency since large companies can't provide it as well doesn't have the illusion of it. Also, the only available similar service are services based on Indonesia which a lot of UF students feel uncomfortable, however, with this, I will put myself as a guarantor. Not to mention the places that a lot of tourist doesn't know that I know, or I know other people that know.


  1. I think that you idea napkin was very interesting and I got a broad overview of your idea through your napkin. I think that you really thought your target audiences through and you described the “why they care” section well. You know what your customers need and want and you have tailored your idea to fit their needs and wants.


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