Assignment 16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

My Human Capital

1. Communicative, I went to an international school with over 101 different nationalities, fortunately, I was the soccer captain and an active member of the student organization which exposed me to many different people, with different cultures and backgrounds.

2. Positive, I encountered a lot of rejection and failure throughout my life from not getting to my dream college and not being able to win any badminton championships, however, I try to keep on going and be fortunate for the things I ended up getting.

3. Athletic, I played varsity basketball, soccer, badminton, and volleyball during high-school and it taught me a lot like self-discipline, pushing oneself to the limit, and time management.

4. Respectful, I was born and raised in Indonesia, a country that values respect very much and humility as a power, not weakness.

5. Adaptive, I've been moving to 3 different cities while living in Indonesia due to my parent's work, and I spent my high school years being abroad alone.

Other People's Opinion

- She said I'm open to learning new things as I was asking people, even those that are much older than me, about the business school, future career, and many things. She thinks that I'm able to connect with a lot of people.

- She said that I'm an enthusiastic individual from the way I talk to her and other people, I guess that this could be considered as being positive in a way.

- He said that I'm a hard working person from the way I play soccer for the team. He said I would do anything to make the team win, even playing in a position that I'm not experienced.

- He said that I'm a caring person, especially towards my friends, I would be there when they needed me, and I will never expect anything back from them.

- He said that I'm a communicative person since I would talk to everyone in the pledge group and the brothers, also he mentioned that I would always include people in conversations.


The feeling of listening to my closest friends telling positive things, and strength, about me, is a little weird, however, from this, I learned that there are certain strengths that I don't even identify as one of my strength, for example caring, energetic, and hard working.


  1. I like the overall formatting of your post. It was very easy to follow and organized the information in a way that consolidate your thoughts. I liked how you explained your human capital. Based on your interviewees it seems like your friends sees the same traits in you as you see in yourself. This shows that you are extremely self aware which is crucial in the business world. I also agree that it is weird to hear your best friends bragging on you. It is uncomfortable for them to give you complainants while you are recording them. I think overall you did a great job on this assignment!

  2. I learned a lot of interesting information about you and your attributes through this assignment. Although the qualities that you have stated above are generic, the way that you describe them in relation to yourself are unique and truly differentiate you from others. This is important because entrepreneurs are essentially selling themselves to investors as part of their pitch so it’s important to be able to set yourself apart.


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