Assignment 19A - Idea Napkin No.2

1. You

My aspiration is to combine all my passions to something tangible, like a business, and hopefully, I have the skills needed to carry it out. I want to wake up every day being proud of myself for what I do. I believe that people should do things that they enjoy doing, and they should know that business is about providing service to the stakeholders, not only making a profit.

2. What are you offering to the customer?

I'm offering an experience that doesn't really have a value to it since it depends on each individual. These days college students are seeking more and more experience for them to be recognized by their peers, one of them would be travelling to a place that not a lot of people went. This business will utilize that need of attention to set them apart from other people.

3. Who are you offering it to?

Demographic: UF College students, male and female, between the age of 19-23 who comes from middle-income family.
Psychographic: They seek attention from their peers, especially in social media, and they want to be recognized

4. Why do they care?

They want to have an experience with their friends which they can't do after college, due to family or work since Bali is far. Also, with a lot of celebrities and famous Instagrammers visiting Bali, they want to be able to show their peers that they can be relevant by going to an "exotic" place.

5. What are your core competencies?

Since we are a small company we are able to be more personal to our customer and provide a sense of mutual trustworthy. Moreover, I travel to Bali many times and know a lot of local people from local tourist guides to business owners. Lastly, I'm a UF student, related to my targeted customer, and I'm from Indonesia, where Bali is located.

Week Link

The weak link to this business would be my experience in the travel business. I'm unsure on whether all of my targeted customers would feel satisfied with what they are getting since my goal is to make them experience things they never experience before in their life. Other than that, would be safety issues because a lot of the things that I expect them to do to gain full experience is something that is below western safety standards. To solve this issue, I'm planning to talk to my associates in Bali, local tourist guides, about it and possibly brief them and make a deal.


I don't really receive any constructive feedback from my peers regarding my Idea Napkin No.1, however, I realize many new things about what to work on the business as the class goes along.


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