Assignment 23A - Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

Resources Possessed

1. Important contacts
- This is valuable because this is what differentiates me from competitors in America, but not necessarily local competition, however, I feel like my biggest competitors are traveling agencies in America. 

2. Experience in traveling in the place
- This is valuable because I know places that are good to travel to and I know the risk well enough to ensure that my customers have the best and save experience during the travel.

3. Rough experience in bringing foreigners to the place
- This is valuable because I know what foreigners tend to like, for example, my friend from Ireland had food poisoning after eating street food and almost died from swimming at one of the beaches. So, I could use that experience.

4. A business plan that doesn't require budget since done through partnerships
- Due to the contacts, I made with the local people and businesses, I will be the intermediary between the customer in UF to the local agencies in Bali. So, I will be using their resources.

5. Speak the local language
- By doing this I could give a sense of credibility which not many traveling agencies in America have.

6. A UF student, provide credibility to targeted UF students
- This is also something that might not be copied by the competitors in America because by being a UF student targeting UF college students I will give a sense of trustworthy.

7.  Descent circle of friends in UF which allow targeting audience better
- This is valuable because I'm able to tap into the right group to promote my service easily which big companies don't have.

8. Professor Pryor
- I have the knowledge of someone that has more knowledge than me to give me feedbacks and recommendations with no extra payment.

9. My personality
- Based on the people around me, they said that I'm good at communicating with other people of different background and so on due to my experience in High School.

10. My ability to hype things up
- Based on talking to people and posting pictures on Instagram about where I come from, most of them said that they wanted to visit Indonesia in the future.

There are 2 important resources that are special. First would be me being a UF student, and second my circle of friends in UF. Although it seems that I put my reputation as an individual on the line, it is definitely something that I have to do if I have limited resources.


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