Assignment 5A - Identyfing Local Opportunities

1. "Rays Want Stadium Details"


Description: The Tampa Bay Ray's contract with their current stadium is expiring in 3 years, and the team is looking to build a new stadium. The $892 million project will be funded by the Hillsbrough County government and the Rays themselves. With limited funds, the government and the Rays are planning to implement an increase in tax, land and sales, around the district where the stadium will be build.

Problem: Land owners were contacted about either selling the land or be apart of the district and pay higher taxes. This includes apartment owners, waterfront properties, and ship yards. Also, other sera vices, like restaurant, clothing stores, etc, around the stadium will be charged.

Who has the problem: Property owners, business owners: landlords, shop owner, etc, and street stall owners.

2. "Boom Time For Apartments"


Description: Tampa's population growth of the age 20-35 is expected to triply by 2020 which promotes apartment growth in urban and suburban areas. However, the growth of new apartments is declining due to the high land and consturction prices. This leads to a 5% increase in renting fees, since demand rises but supply doesn't accomodate, in Tampa, Jacksonville, and Orlando on average.

Problem: Affordable housing is still under serve around the areas mentioned which drives the renting fees high.

Who has the problem: New family, new couple, students, low to middle income people.

3. "Fresh Look At Riverwalk Place"


Description: The contruction of the tallest building, consisting of apartment and office space, in west Florida will be started next year (2019). The exterior will be extravagant and the interior will be design by Thom Felicia, with clients ranging from Oprah to Tina Fey. A lot of people predict that this construction would draw restaurants, shops, and other businesses to the area, especially with the knowledge that Water Street Tampa is constructing an office tower as well.

Problem: After Riverwalk Place announced that they are building a Class A office tower, first in dowsntown Tampa after 20 years, the Water Street Tampa announced that they are building a Class A tower as well.

Who has the problem: The contructor of both towers, Riverwalk Place and Water Street Tampa.

4. "Is Football Fascination Fading Before Our Eyes?"


Description: Looking at the USF, Florida State, and Florida's football game, it is clear to many analysist that the empty seats in the stadium are getting more and more.

Problem: Safety issue, wanning interest, and exploitative nature are the main issue why people are not going to or watching the football game.

Who has the problem: Football clubs, and all the people that are attach to football.

5. "Come On In, The Water Is Fine"


Description: There was no smell of dead fish at the beach, and people were in the waters having fun despite the Red Tide.

Problem: The production of fishes in Florida decrease because of the Red Tide, and the only solution is to wait until it is washed away.

Who has the problem: Beachgoers and fishery businesses.


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