Assignment 7A - Testing The Hypothesis (Part 1)

There are plenty of Americans in UF that knows about Bali, but they can't imagine traveling 28 hours, across the world, to get there because there are no institutions that are able to connect them at a personal level.

Who: UF American students
What: They can't imagine traveling across the globe to a really foreign place
Why: No institution that could connect them at a personal level, it is hard to get trust from big organizations.


1. Do you know about Bali?
          4/10 Yes, 6/10 No
2. How do you know about Bali?
          2/4 Instagram, 2/4 Friend
3. Do you know anyone that visited Bali before? What do they say?
         2/4 Yes, 2/4 No
4. Do you have friends or family members that wanted to go to Bali?
         4/4 Yes, parents and friends

1. Why haven't you travel to Bali?
          2/4 Far, 1/4 Expensive, 1/4 Busy
2. Do you try to do research about traveling in Bali?
          4/4 No
3. Do you prefer to go on tours, backpacking, or a mix of both (booked tickets and reserved places but still travel alone and have freedom)?
          3/4 Mix, 1/4 Backpacking
4. Do you prefer to go to Bali or the Carribean or the Maldives?
          4/4 All

1. What kind of service that could help you travel to Bali?
          - Complete information about the estimated price, sites that are not filled with a bunch of tourists, and a local guide.
          - 2/4 Local guide
          - Information about local, cheap foods, hidden places, and things that are not in TripAdvisor


From conducting 10 in-depth interviews, it seems that not a lot of UF students know about Bali in the first place. Moreover, there are other places, that are nearer to the US, that the respondent seems to be interested as well. However, exposure about Bali, advantages of Bali compare to other nearby places, price, and sense of being a local and not a tourist are the factors that need to be done.


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