Assignment 8A - Solving The Problem

There are plenty of Americans in UF that knows about Bali, but they can't imagine traveling 28 hours, across the world, to get there because there are no institutions that are able to connect them at a personal level.

After conducting the interview, I realize the need of having a larger and a more random sample towards UF students. However, it is clear that from the 10 samples gathered there are the following problems regarding the hypothesis and plan:

1. Need to expose Bali more, more advertisement consists of wonderful pictures and videos through Instagram and directly as well

2. Sell Bali as something different to eliminate competition through the rich tradition of Bali (dance, yoga, temples), relatively cheap living cost (food, luxury villas), the kindness of the people, surfing, and diving/snorkeling that other competitors don't have

3. Emphasize the localness and personal service offered


  1. Hey Hans, your idea of marketing Bali as a destination is wonderful. I love to travel, discover new cultures, new destination, and Bali is definitely in my bucket list. I wish though that there is a more cost effective way to travel there, because the flight does cost a fortune, so not everyone can afford it. Your target customer will probably be people that can afford that trip.


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