Assignment 9A - Testing The Hypothesis (Part 2)

Interview on people who are considered to be the target audience but somehow not.
Participant: Rehan, Amalia, Lucy, Letty, and Blake

Inside Boundary
Outside Boundary
Who is in College students that have enough finance or willing to save up to travel with friends. Who is not College students that don't have enough finance or doesn't want to burden parents too much.
What the need is
- A reasonable price, cheapest as possible.
- The need for personalizing the trip which allows them to have amazing pictures and experience they couldn't get anywhere else, like exposure to local tradition.
- Travel to places that require adventure to get to, not a famous tourist area with a lot of people.
- A sense of luxury, like the villas.
What the need is not The need for cheap flights, which means planning in advance, and a credit service that allows them to save up money for the trip.
Why the need exists
To defeat nearby tourist destination like the Carribean and the Maldives that is similar to Bali.
Alternative explanation The flight to Bali for some people cost a lot of fortune. Although living cost and accommodation there are very cheap, the cost for flight scares many potential customers.


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