Assignment 12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behaviour No.1

Pick a segment

Demographic: Male/Female UF college student with middle to high-income parents
Psychographic and Behavioral: Social media user that wanted to gain recognition by peers, possibly a member of a sorority or fraternity

Notes from the interview of people in the segment

Aiso: He felt that during summer break is the time where he would like to travel somewhere far, however, he mentioned that he will be willing to travel far to Bali when his friends come along, to be exact he said approximately 5-8 people since he feels uncomfortable traveling by himself. He basically wanted to share the experience with someone else.

He always wanted to travel to Bali, but he says that he knows no one that has been there and that there is no one that pushes him to go, however, after I introduced the idea to him, he feels much more comfortable and confident to go.

Liana: She felt that during summer break would be a great time to go to Bali since she wanted to spend more than a week there since it is very far from the US. Also, she wanted to come to Bali with the sorority friends, possibly all she said especially when some are graduating. Moreover, she wishes that there will be someone, like a guide, that accompany her and her friends during the trip to ensure that every time goes smoothly.

She heard and saw pictures of Bali from Instagram, however, it never crosses her mind to go there since Bali seems to be far away, however, after introducing the idea to her, she admits that she will think about it more and search about Bali through Instagram before deciding.

Tiara: She felt that during summer break would be a great time to go to Bali with her fraternity friends, she wanted to have an unforgettable memory with her fraternity friends. Moreover, she also wanted to go with her family.

She has many friends that went to Bali before but all she got was that Bali is cheap, which means her friends that went there wasn't satisfied with the trip, however, it turns out that her friend is from Thailand, which possibly explains the reason why her friend is not intrigue. Also, she follows an Instagram fitness model who recently went to Bali, and that is one of the sources of information on how she knows about Bali.


Instagram is still the common source of information that builds up the wants and needs to go to Bali since a social media influencer or enterprise would post something about traveling in Bali. Instagram is the no. 1 source, not Google, because there's a sense of trust and personal connection between one user to another. Moreover, traveling with a group of people is another need mentioned by the segmented customer from fraternity and sorority brothers and sisters to family.


  1. I think that the segment that you picked to interview was very unique and it fit your idea perfectly. When I did this assignment, I had a difficult job picking people to interview, however, you did a really good job of picking a market that would benefit you by being honest and objective and helping you refine your ideas. Overall, your interviews seem informative and the questions you asked had breadth and depth in order to help you refine your idea.


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