Assignment 14A - Halfway Reflection

Tenaciousness is competency

It is not hard to ace the ENT3003 class, you can definitely bullshit your way through the course and receive an "A", fake your interviews, read the summary of the book online instead of the whole book, and many more, no one will know other than yourself.

A lot of people only care about the short term, like getting an "A" to have a good GPA for work, they forget the fact that it will only help them during their zero year as an employee, and don't help them at all if they want to be an entrepreneur. The tenacity in ENT3003 class is to remain honest to oneself and not cheat because what you get out from the class depends so on much on what you put in. Not just is will provide you with entrepreneurship skills, but it will give you the integrity and discipline that an entrepreneur needs.

Tenaciousness is also about attitude 

It hit me hard when I realize that I didn't upload the URL for a few of my assignments to Canvas despite finishing it way before the deadline. Although I tried talking to Professor Pryor and the TA, I totally understand why they won't let me through with it because forgetting to do something could be a crucial thing in the real world. Despite learning it the hard way and missed 7 credits, I tried to step aside from the angry feeling and keep my head up with a promise to double check all the assignments assigned. Being tenaciousness in this context is about moving on from something and remember to repeat the same mistakes.

3 tips
- Remember that what you put in is what you get out from the class
- This class is made for you to be an entrepreneur so start acting like one, don't take shortcuts, be honest to yourself
- Read all your assignments a week before so you can prepare it well, especially when it requires you to conduct an interview or read a book


  1. I found your advice about tenacity to be quite interesting. I think you really encapsulated the definition and the true idea of tenacity very well through your response. The advice that you gave “future students” was very inspiring and moving and I definitely think that it motivated me to put my best foot forward and give it my all.


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