Assignment 17A - Elevator Pitch No.2

I actually let Professor Pryor display my first elevator pitch on class, which was an amazing idea since I received lots of feedback both from my classmates and himself. The most important feedback I received was that I need to actually mention my product from the beginning to the end, and not just gain the audience's interest. Although a lot of my classmates said that I need to be more straightforward in delivering my pitch, I feel like I will sound like a robot with no personality when I don't put imagination on my pitch.

Based on the feedback, I tried to focus more on describing the product and its differentiation with other potential competitors.


  1. I think that your elevator pitch was very well put together and articulate. I think that you hit all the main points that one would need to in an elevator pitch. Specifically, you were not static, in fact, you were very dynamic during the entire elevator pitch and you talked about your business in a way that interested me without shoving it down my throat.


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