Assignment 20A - Growing Your Social Capital

Social Capital

Domain Expert
Mr. Ketut Sugiartha, a local Balinese who run an independent travel guide experience with customers coming from personal marketing and also traveling firms, especially during high season.

He arranged most of my personal and family traveling in Bali for almost 3 years, and I used his service for my friends that came to Bali a few times, so I trust him.

The plan for Alternative Traveling, the business that I'm working on, is to use him as an associate since he has a wide range of contacts in Bali, from local guides and drivers to traveling, diving, and hotel agencies. Using his service multiple times, I believe that he could be trusted to run the company, although I believe that someone needs to oversee him above. He has the experience with local and foreign tourists, from Asia and more importantly America.

Moreover, the plan is that he would be given a commision per day based on the number of people he guided. If he needed extra help, like having an assistant, it would come from that commision.

Market Expert
Mr. Moses Herman, owned and manage a traveling agency called "TX Travel" in Bogor who responsible for traveling to Bali.

He is actually my dad's high school friend, and his son happened to be my best friend from back home.

Mr. Moses will be very valuable for Alternative Traveling because he has experience in managing travels around Indonesia and abroad. He will also have higher contacts of businesses, especially hotels and vehicles, in Bali that would help me cut a good deal. Moreover, he has access to cheap airlines tickers which could potentially reduce the price of UF students traveling from Florida to Bali. However, more importantly, he has the knowledge of risk management which is my biggest concern in having UF college students in Bali having the best time of their life.

In return, Alternative traveling will use his company's service in buying tickets from Florida to Bali and Bali to Flordia as well as possibly hotel, if potential customer demand a luxury one.

Mr. Musleh, a local Balinese who operate an independent boat service in Bali that takes tourists out for snorkeling, diving, island hopping, and so on.

He is a friend of Mr. Ketut in Nusa Penida, and I have been using his boat service 3x because he is extremely friendly, genuine, and give me a fair price.

Mr. Musleh will be valuable for Alternative Travelling because he has connections to most boat owners and vehicle rental owners which is essential for traveling in Nusa Penida, Bali. His service is important because Bali is at its best when it is viewed from the ocean since not a lot of tourists are there.

In return, he will be given a commision per service for every tourist. If he needs extra help, like more boats or etc, the commision for the extra service will be given to the other person, however with a cut of 20% for Mr. Musleh.

After networking with these important individuals, I realize the importance of having social capital as well as the need of more networking. I feel like to take my network to another level, I need contacts to people in Menjangan, Bali, another amazing destination in North Bali, an independent diving guide, and someone that has contacts to famous bars and clubs in Bali.


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