
Showing posts from September, 2018

Assignment 10 A - Elevator Pitch No. 1

Assignment 9A - Testing The Hypothesis (Part 2)

Interview on people who are considered to be the target audience but somehow not. Participant: Rehan, Amalia, Lucy, Letty, and Blake Inside Boundary Outside Boundary Who is in College students that have enough finance or willing to save up to travel with friends. Who is not College students that don't have enough finance or doesn't want to burden parents too much. What the need is - A reasonable price, cheapest as possible. - The need for personalizing the trip which allows them to have amazing pictures and experience they couldn't get anywhere else, like exposure to local tradition. - Travel to places that require adventure to get to, not a famous tourist area with a lot of people. - A sense of luxury, like the villas. What the need is not The need for cheap flights, which means planning in advance, and a credit service that allows them to save up money for the trip. Why the need exi

Elevator Pitch

Hey! My name is Hans Abadi; I was born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, however, I spent the last 2 years studying abroad in China by myself in a program called United World College, where Prince Charles is our chairman for now and where there were 500 students that came from 101 different nationalities. Fortunately, I was selected as the soccer captain during my time and was apart of the student organization where I got to interact and be friends with a very diverse group of people. Also, I speak 3 different languages which are English, Bahasa Indonesia, and a little bit of Chinese. I would like to say that my strength lies in communication, leadership, and respect for diversity.

Assignment 8A - Solving The Problem

There are plenty of Americans in UF that knows about Bali, but they can't imagine traveling 28 hours, across the world, to get there because there are no institutions that are able to connect them at a personal level. After conducting the interview, I realize the need of having a larger and a more random sample towards UF students. However, it is clear that from the 10 samples gathered there are the following problems regarding the hypothesis and plan: 1. Need to expose Bali more , more advertisement consists of wonderful pictures and videos through Instagram and directly as well 2. Sell Bali as something different to eliminate competition through the rich tradition of Bali (dance, yoga, temples), relatively cheap living cost (food, luxury villas), the kindness of the people, surfing, and diving/snorkeling that other competitors don't have 3. Emphasize the localness and personal service offered

Assignment 7A - Testing The Hypothesis (Part 1)

There are plenty of Americans in UF that knows about Bali, but they can't imagine traveling 28 hours, across the world, to get there because there are no institutions that are able to connect them at a personal level. Who : UF American students What : They can't imagine traveling across the globe to a really foreign place Why : No institution that could connect them at a personal level, it is hard to get trust from big organizations. Interview Who  1. Do you know about Bali?           4/10 Yes, 6/10 No 2. How do you know about Bali?           2/4 Instagram, 2/4 Friend 3. Do you know anyone that visited Bali before? What do they say?          2/4 Yes, 2/4 No 4. Do you have friends or family members that wanted to go to Bali?          4/4 Yes, parents and friends What 1. Why haven't you travel to Bali?           2/4 Far, 1/4 Expensive, 1/4 Busy 2. Do you try to do research about traveling in Bali?           4/4 No 3. Do you prefer to go on tours, backpa

Assignment 6A - Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Economic Trends 1. Strengthening Global Demand a)  Link:  JP Morgan b)  Information:  Global GDP is expected to expand at a 4% rate by the end of 2018, in comparison to 3.7% in 2017. Also, India is growing faster than China for the first time in 25 years which means that the Chinese economy is maturing due to the increased growth in their middle class resulting in high demand for imports. c)  Prototypical Customer:  People from other countries that don't have or doesn't produce well the goods & services from their homeland. Also, middle-class people that demand imported goods. d)  Limitation:  Relative hard to exploit due to the different law and birocratic system as well as transport fee. I see this opportunity  because Indonesia, where I come from, has many comparative advantages in producing goods such as coffee, cloth, and snacks which could be introduced to other neighboring countries. Moreover, the increase in middle-class is felt in the society, especiall

Assignment 5A - Identyfing Local Opportunities

1. "Rays Want Stadium Details" Link: Description: The Tampa Bay Ray's contract with their current stadium is expiring in 3 years, and the team is looking to build a new stadium. The $892 million project will be funded by the Hillsbrough County government and the Rays themselves. With limited funds, the government and the Rays are planning to implement an increase in tax, land and sales, around the district where the stadium will be build. Problem: Land owners were contacted about either selling the land or be apart of the district and pay higher taxes. This includes apartment owners, waterfront properties, and ship yards. Also, other sera vices, like restaurant, clothing stores, etc, around the stadium

Assignment 4A - Forming an Opportunity Belief

1. Beginning Point I do believe that opportunity exists anywhere, it's just a matter of finding the solution for it and the timing. 2. Describe After being in Florida for a month, and being in UF campus for 3 weeks, I feel that there is a huge opportunity in having a shared bike system. I feel like this system is needed because if there is one, the demand for it will be high due to the fact that there are a large number of students that don't own a bike. The need for a bike sharing system comes from the fact that bikes are pricey for most students, and they rather spend the money on hanging out with friends or shopping, as well as the fact that bikes in UF got stolen a lot and it is inconvenient to bring your bike everywhere. Moreover, for now, people would rather walk under the sun and being sweaty, or use the bus to solve this problem. Overall, I'm sure that 80% of this opportunity exists. 3. Identifying The Prototypical Customer The typical customer will be stu

Assignment 3A - My Entrepreneurship Story

My entrepreneurship story begins when I wanted to have more allowance to buy sneakers. After getting money from selling concert tickets to under-age kids, I realize how satisfying it was to make my own money and have my own freedom. As I grow older, I promise myself that I will work as hard to be able to retire at 40 and have all the freedom that I could have. However, the more I was into finding the way to have my freedom in the future, the more I realize that hard work is not enough, it is a long, challenging road that I have to take to be able to reach the promised land. In 2017, I founded an online clothing shop called Cocaine & Caviar, something that is addicting and luxurious. I managed to find a source of cheap clothing from China, that has a low price but really high quality. From it, I made a few money for myself, and my brother that helped me a lot. But, after the source of my goods was taken down by the local government, I left with nothing; I lost my comparative ad

Assignment 2A - Bug List: 20 Things That Bug Me

1. Having too many coins. WHY? Although the number of people using cards to pay increases, there is a lot of people that still use cash, like me. The fact that the US monetary system has small fractions of money, like the 1 cent, this makes a lot of people receive many coins from most of the cash transaction. These coins are inconvenient to travel with, especially when you walk and it makes the sound, which results in people storing them at home or losing it. Going to the bank to switch it could be a solution, but it is time consuming due to its distance and process. 2. Bike went missing. WHY? I lost the brand-new bike that I locked in front of my Simpson Hall during the first week of college, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people had experienced in losing their bike on campus as seen from the leftover bike wheels in the bike park railing. Registering the bike would be an option, but it won't necessarily prevent the bike from getting stolen in this big campus. More