
Showing posts from October, 2018

Assignment 20A - Growing Your Social Capital

Social Capital Domain Expert Mr. Ketut Sugiartha , a local Balinese who run an independent travel guide experience with customers coming from personal marketing and also traveling firms, especially during high season. He arranged most of my personal and family traveling in Bali for almost 3 years, and I used his service for my friends that came to Bali a few times, so I trust him. The plan for Alternative Traveling, the business that I'm working on, is to use him as an associate since he has a wide range of contacts in Bali, from local guides and drivers to traveling, diving, and hotel agencies. Using his service multiple times, I believe that he could be trusted to run the company, although I believe that someone needs to oversee him above. He has the experience with local and foreign tourists, from Asia and more importantly America. Moreover, the plan is that he would be given a commision per day based on the number of people he guided. If he needed extra help, like havi

Assignment 19A - Idea Napkin No.2

1. You My aspiration is to combine all my passions to something tangible, like a business, and hopefully, I have the skills needed to carry it out. I want to wake up every day being proud of myself for what I do. I believe that people should do things that they enjoy doing, and they should know that business is about providing service to the stakeholders, not only making a profit. 2. What are you offering to the customer? I'm offering an experience that doesn't really have a value to it since it depends on each individual. These days college students are seeking more and more experience for them to be recognized by their peers, one of them would be travelling to a place that not a lot of people went. This business will utilize that need of attention to set them apart from other people. 3. Who are you offering it to? Demographic: UF College students, male and female, between the age of 19-23 who comes from middle-income family. Psychographic: They seek attention fro

Assignment 17A - Elevator Pitch No.2 I actually let Professor Pryor display my first elevator pitch on class, which was an amazing idea since I received lots of feedback both from my classmates and himself. The most important feedback I received was that I need to actually mention my product from the beginning to the end, and not just gain the audience's interest. Although a lot of my classmates said that I need to be more straightforward in delivering my pitch, I feel like I will sound like a robot with no personality when I don't put imagination on my pitch. Based on the feedback, I tried to focus more on describing the product and its differentiation with other potential competitors.

Assignment 18A - Create A Customer Avatar

"College students who are part of a fraternity or a sorority and care about their presence and significance in real life and social media" The similarity with me and my virtual customer is that we are both parts of a fraternity-like organization. This is a coincidence since I saw the opportunity of having the business when I was around people from fraternity and sorority.

Assignment 16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

My Human Capital 1. Communicative , I went to an international school with over 101 different nationalities, fortunately, I was the soccer captain and an active member of the student organization which exposed me to many different people, with different cultures and backgrounds. 2. Positive , I encountered a lot of rejection and failure throughout my life from not getting to my dream college and not being able to win any badminton championships, however, I try to keep on going and be fortunate for the things I ended up getting. 3. Athletic , I played varsity basketball, soccer, badminton, and volleyball during high-school and it taught me a lot like self-discipline, pushing oneself to the limit, and time management. 4. Respectful , I was born and raised in Indonesia, a country that values respect very much and humility as a power, not weakness. 5. Adaptive , I've been moving to 3 different cities while living in Indonesia due to my parent's work, and I spent my high s

Assignment 15A - Figuring Out Buyer Behaviour No. 2

Interview Result Alternative Evaluation I asked the people I interviewed to rank the alternative factors they considered when they are trying to use a traveling service to help them plan their personal or group trip to somewhere far, like Bali. The alternative factors are the following: 1. Price 2. Quality 3. Trust and Credibility The result shows that Trust and Credibility come first, followed by Quality and lastly Price. The fact that they chose Trust and Credibility shows that they need an assurance that whatever the company is offering will be done as promised. This means that to gain the customer in the segment,  the company has to set up a direct face to face environment to make the potential customer felt trustworthy and promote the service based on customer review, potentially from someone that is respected like Instagram influencers. By promoting it this way it would also give a Quality appeal. Moreover, the fact Price factor comes at the end shows many things. I

Assignment 13A - Reading Reflection No.1

1. You read about the entrepreneur: - What surprised you the most? I'm extremely surprised by the fact that Phil Knight is a very spiritual and adventurous man. Although he may not be religious, as in following a particular's religious tradition, he red various spiritual text like Zen and Budhha that enables him to think outside the box. - What about the entrepreneur did you admire? I really admire his bravery in not being afraid to fail. Phil Knight comes from a very wealthy family, everything is secure for him, however, he is not afraid to do "dirty work", something that is considered not respectable in the society, and fails. - What about the entrepreneur that you least admire? I don't really admire his leadership and communication skill. When he was still selling Tigers shoes, he was really fortunate to find someone that is very passionate like Johnson. Johnson almost left him due to his bad leadership and communication skill, which could cause his empi

Assignment 14A - Halfway Reflection

Tenaciousness is competency It is not hard to ace the ENT3003 class, you can definitely bullshit your way through the course and receive an "A", fake your interviews, read the summary of the book online instead of the whole book, and many more, no one will know other than yourself. A lot of people only care about the short term, like getting an "A" to have a good GPA for work, they forget the fact that it will only help them during their zero year as an employee, and don't help them at all if they want to be an entrepreneur. The tenacity in ENT3003 class is to remain honest to oneself and not cheat because what you get out from the class depends so on much on what you put in. Not just is will provide you with entrepreneurship skills, but it will give you the integrity and discipline that an entrepreneur needs. Tenaciousness is also about attitude  It hit me hard when I realize that I didn't upload the URL for a few of my assignments to Canvas despite

Assignment 12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behaviour No.1

Pick a segment Demographic : Male/Female UF college student with middle to high-income parents Psychographic and Behavioral : Social media user that wanted to gain recognition by peers, possibly a member of a sorority or fraternity Notes from the interview of people in the segment Aiso : He felt that during summer break is the time where he would like to travel somewhere far, however, he mentioned that he will be willing to travel far to Bali when his friends come along, to be exact he said approximately 5-8 people since he feels uncomfortable traveling by himself. He basically wanted to share the experience with someone else. He always wanted to travel to Bali, but he says that he knows no one that has been there and that there is no one that pushes him to go, however, after I introduced the idea to him, he feels much more comfortable and confident to go. Liana : She felt that during summer break would be a great time to go to Bali since she wanted to spend more than a week

Assignment 11A - Idea Napkin No.1

You I'm a full-time student and a part-time traveler, I really enjoy traveling not as a tourist but as an adventurer which allow me to know many local people in the area. I guess the one skill that most people notice about me is my ability to communicate well with new people from different backgrounds due to the fact that I went to a very diverse high school with 101 different nationalities in the 500 total population which allows me to know most of the people. Moreover, I see the traveling business as something that could fulfill my work and passion at the same time which, if it works, is remarkable since not a lot of people could combine work and passion at the same time. What are you offering to the customer? This idea sparked when I started introducing myself to new people. My pitch is always telling them that I come from Indonesia where Bali is located, and surprisingly most people that I talked to heard or wanted to go to Bali, but can't or haven't, moreover, P